For fifty-five years June Hopkins has owned The North Haven Gift Shop. Customers know her as the personable proprietor with good taste and a keen business sense. What many underestimated, or never knew, is that June is a noteworthy artist. Her talent captured center stage at the recent Hopkin's Family Exhibit in the North Haven Art Gallery.
In conjunction with the Shop's 55th Anniversary, the Hopkin's family presented an exhibit in the adjacent gallery. Works by son and acclaimed Maine artist, Eric Hopkins were easily identifiable. His distinctive style emerged at an early age with retail signs for the Shop and lobsters. But it was the seven paintings by June Collins Hopkins that caused the buzz and received the red dot indicating "SOLD."
For many years June has been painting botanicals, animals and landscapes. T
his past winter, under the tutelage of son Eric, June learned to find the focus in photos she had taken, crop the image and re-produce in watercolor using a loose-hand technique. From the onset, she responded to the subjects and style. Diligently painting every day, refining and refining and incorporating Eric's suggestions, a vast body of work was produced. Everyone privy to early glimpses responded accordingly, "Have you seen June's paintings!"

Party attendees and gallery patrons reinforced the affirmation. Now her latest works hang in private collections along side her son's.
Brisk sales of her art and the enduring success of The North Haven Gift Shop has June providing a life example to be emulated. Each act is significant but it just might be that Act III and a long ovation deliver the sweetest years.
The exhibit has been dismantled but a few of June's paintings are still on display in the gift shop. No web site, cash and checks only, M-Sat, 9:30 to 5. Ferry schedule available from the Maine DOT.