Just off the hum and heat of Sunset Boulevard and Sycamore Avenue, step into the serenity of Mickey Hagarity's Plant Store. Maybe step isn't the best description. It's more like fuse with the lush greenery that inhabits this cityscape corner. There is no door. A path invites . Meandering about, one is completely encompassed in an oasis of Southern California vegetation. The rippling sounds of water from in-ground pools and table top fountains drown out any honking from the raceway called Sunset Boulevard. Sunlight filters through the tree tops. Like stage lights, it shines upon container trees and terrace plants reaching for the sky. All will be nourished....including the visitor seeking the perfect plant.

Since visiting this establishment some seven years ago, it has called me back, again and again. Within walking distance of my LA home base, it is a favorite destination. Not always searching for plants or pots, it's the solitude and spirit found within that calls.

One is left to browse as the hushed voice of the sole proprietor, Mickey junior, drifts from the office which seems more like a tree house from The Castaways. Where do the trees end and walls begin? There is no clear definition which, I believe, is exactly how it was designed.

One is left to browse as the hushed voice of the sole proprietor, Mickey junior, drifts from the office which seems more like a tree house from The Castaways. Where do the trees end and walls begin? There is no clear definition which, I believe, is exactly how it was designed.
Ribbons of sunlight streaming
Palm fronds sway
Rippling water