Beginning at AUCOCISCO GALLERY, now re-located to 89 Exchange Street, the place was humming with excitement. Patrons mingled in the light, open space that features contemporary fine art in a historical setting. Featured artist is Mary Hart whose ultra-realistic miniature interpretations of all things common is uncommonly pure in image and presentation. See her work at

Back out on the street, walking through Monument Square to the Arts District on Congress Street, it was feeling mor
e like First Friday Fun Walk! People were out "en masse." A crowd gathered around Whitney Art Works where a sold-out live performance, BLUE HAMMER, was the weekend venue.

Up the street MECA students were selling wares created during their year of study. I'm a sucker for supporting these bohemian kids. A little dipping bowl, t-shirt and photos..I'm on my way.

Between MECA and The Holly Ready Gallery in the State Street Theater building on the corner of High St. and Congress, I was fortunate enough to encounter a May Basket and become the delighted recipient! Check out:
At the Holly Ready Gallery I was excited to see, up close, her vibrant, luminous, exploding with color, paintings of sky, sea and a few landscapes. Visiting her site is a wonderful journey but you can also watch her at work in the gallery located at 608 Congress Street.
My evening concluded at Restaurant 555. YES. They do have the best burger in town!
See you walking about.