From glass to woven sweet grass, an Indian summer visit to the Abbe Museum in Bar Harbor, Maine introduced me to the finely woven baskets by members of Maine's Wabanaki tribe. The freshly harvested sweet grass, from which the baskets are woven, emitted the perfumed scent of a sweet, Maine, August day. Selecting the very affordable candy basket for $30 to the intricately created acorn basket for $130, the signed baskets of all shapes and sizes, indigenous to the Native American culture, are treasures. The weavers who create product for the shop also have their work on exhibit in the galleries. Gift a candy basket holding a package of tea from the Native American Tea Company. There's a soothing idea sure to please...and a percent of after tax profits from the tea supports scholarships at S
itting Bull College in South Dakota. See more at http://www.abbemuseum.org/.
Now for the quirky and really original! I found Aimsel's album cover, spiral bound books last season but was shopped out. Re-found them this year and was ready to purchase. Every one has a favorite group that recalls very special moments. Re-live them again, and keep sacred notes or drawings in these journal/sketch books. My memory will be dancing with images of graduate school days at Emerson College in Boston. FAME, the movie and hit sound track, was fresh on the big screen and so Emersonian. Have a special request, contact Aimsel at aimselponti@yahoo.com. Be in the moment with the best of the past! "I want to live forever....!" Or if you recognize the line, "We forgot about the flowers," this is your gift of choice. Nothing but fun and creative endeavors...almost guaranteed.
FINALLY! Just found these high-tops with custom knit sweaters! PRETTY SNEAKY! Seriously. Katie Worthing creates customized hand knit "sweaters...booties" for high-top sneakers. Now is this cool or what?I can see them walking down Melrose Avenue in West LA! Or how about Winter Carnival in Quebec City. There's no stopping the cozy, hip beat of these PRETTY SNEAKY sneakers! In the chill of winter, keep your toes toasty. http://prettysneaky.etsy.com/ or prettysneaky@hotmail.com
If you're still stuck for "What to Give," give some thanks for all the wonder that abounds.
Happy Holidays to all. I'm LA bound for a breath of Pacific air and Palm Desert light.