The title is taken from one of the HYDE SCHOOL'S 12 Principles. It was a principle put into practice on April 24 as the employees of GORHAM SAVINGS BANK divided into teams of three and cleaned up all the litter that had accumulated on the grounds surrounding the Back Cove. Working diligently, they filled bag after bag with trash left behind by the many footpath pedestrians who apparently have no awareness of, "leaving it better then you found it."
Kudos and thanks to GORHAM SAVINGS BANK for creating an uncluttered, emerald ring around the crystal blue tidal basin. As I took to the footpath this morning it even smelled clean. Isn't it interesting how cleanliness affects all of our senses.
Maybe that's why a snowy egret has returned to our shores earlier then usual this season.
Let's all of us, "Leave it better then you found it."