While enjoying a spontaneous Valentine's Day brunch with my son, Selby and our friend, Betty, the conversation was centered around personal electronics. I had been gifted with a red, mini MP3 player. I know this devise is used to download and store music for one's own use, but its necessity is totally lost on me. Because it's a gift from Selby, I'm appreciative of it and it carries great meaning.
"My room is on battery back-up," Selby announces.
"On battery back-up!" Betty and I respond in unison.
"Ya! The battery keeps everything running in case of a power outage."
"Exactly what do you have in your room that needs to be running?" Betty asked.
The list was to unfurl!
2 HD TV's......a 7" and 20"
HD Cable Box DVR
5 disc Surround Sound 1000 watt DVD player
Laptop computer
Wireless lights
"The battery keeps everything running for up to forty minutes."
I was rendered speechless.
"Tell me that again so I can write it down."
It was like listening to a foreign language. All these new electronics were out of our realm of reality. They're obviously part of my son's daily existence, but will they ever be part of mine? As I'm attempting to minimize and simplify, electronics are demanding me to turn on and tune in. I never did fully utilize my "Palm" as the tapping didn't work for me. Will I be tuned in with my little MP3 player and jiving along the footpath? Time will tell.
As I've been attempting to get this "new age" experience posted, my keyboarding has been severely limited because of ICE BITE! Each day the wrist and arm improve. Now it's time to re-build the muscle tone that deteriorates so quickly. Hoping to be full speed ahead in another week.
In the meantime, I received a call from Selby telling me of a new piece of electronics in his possession. It's a mini DVD player. Hooked up to his 7" HD TV and installed in his SUV, his friends can watch a movie while traveling to and from the mountain and snowboarding.
What can I say. LIFE IS GOOD.