A most unusual visitor frequented the "duck channel" this morning. First glance out the kitchen window and I noticed a rapidly moving item swimming parallel to the south bank. A few walkers on the foot path had stopped and were observing the quickness of this water creature. Not the usual bird life we normally monitor. My immediate th
ought was, "A muskrat." I watched it swim about for a few minutes and then adjourned to enjoy to my morning coffee and reading. Upon refreshing my cup of java and another glance out the window, there, before my very eyes, was a big, old bucky beaver sitting on the duck channel bank. More observers had gathered, many sporting cameras with telephoto lenses. Easing forward into the marsh grass, they were within feet of this unusual visitor to our neighborhood. Bucky took it all in stride and posed with confidence for a considerable time.

Taking time to watch this gift of nature made me realize that the days of fog and rain of late seem totally insignificant when I can look out my windows, in an urban setting, and experience a beaver's rite of spring in my own front yard. Just as I was thinking, "Not another overcast day," nature delivers a gift.
Bucky paddled about the duck channel (sans ducks) until the tide began to flow. Not to be left behind, he took natures lead and could be seen swimming with the tide.
It's evening and again the hour of full tide. Neither ducks nor beaver are to be seen in the channel or on the bay. Maybe tomorrow. But just for today, let me celebrate a brief encounter with one of God's many creatures and a break through of blue sky and sunshine.