The tightly shut daffodil buds have exploded into a profusion of yellow with spring blue-green accents. Nature pro
vides the natural twig cross.Crocuses in pink, purple and white blanket the ground. The forsythia has a golden tint as it readies to bloom in all its radiant glory
. Until the warmth of the sun produces the energy for the buds to come forth, we will hurry the process and force them by snipping a few branches and bringing them inside. In a vase filled with water, they should bloom in three to five days. Daisy waits...patiently.

And the smell. After a blustery rain storm, blowing from the East on Monday evening, the ground is totally defrosted and emitting the fresh scent of alivened earth. Yes, spring is very much with us.
Just as I was grateful for the winter and the slower pace of that season, I love the longer day light hours, warmer temperatures, increased pedestrian activity on the footpath, and all that April has to offer. Yes, even the rain storms and umbrellas turned inside out make me feel alive!
But I especially love:
Hot Cross buns on Palm Sunday and Easter.
Assembling Easter baskets for my son and friends. One is never too old to dye Easter eggs and wish for a chocolate bunny.

Planning and sharing Easter dinner with friends where I will return to "Sleeping in the Eaves" for a few days.
Beginning each day with a sunrise over Casco Bay. Now that is GLORY.
