And so it was to be as I journeyed to Rockland on Saturday to prepare for an Easter celebration with my dear friend, June. She winters on the mainland and summers off shore. This trip I would be staying in the winter eave.
Some hardiness is required as thrifty Yankees believe in cold bedrooms and electric blankets. I refer to bedtime as retreating to the power wrap. The dial is set on HIGH and doesn't change for the bedtime hours. Not much incentive to read in bed but I enjoy the roasting. My right wrist appeared to heal in the heat as the swelling was considerably less in the morn.

I came packed with eighteen hard boiled WHITE eggs for dying and decorating, a good amount of real Bulgar and six sinful pink and yellow petal cupcakes from The Good Eats Boutique ( Obviously, I had the necessities while June was responsible for provisioning the lamb and asparagus. Together we created a balanced diet!
A rather overcast Saturday created the perfect conditions for egg decorating around the kitchen table. Intense creative energy prevailed. We laughed as we reminded one another to breath. Creating can take one's breath away. Two hours later and the last egg was set-up to dry. We surveyed our efforts and announced with great pride, "Work well done.!" 

Easter Sunday presented us with gale force winds and sunshine. It was too chilly for walking but perfect conditions for a road trip. We gunk holed along the peninsulas visiting Spruce Head and Cushing where we stopped at the Olsen house made famous by the painting "Christina's World." Across the field Andrew Wyeth's headston
e was visible. Horses grazed in the pasture. It was a scene he would have painted...and did.
Onward to Camden where recent heavy rains had the waters rushing into the bay. Schooners were still tightly buttoned.

Back home we found e-mails from family sending images of their Easter brunch and decorated eggs. Almost as good as being together.